We proudly introduce MIT-DOWEL-SCAN the latest development in Non-Destructive determination of dowel and tie bar positions in plain concrete. The MIT-DOWEL-SCAN is a totally new device allowing the operator to measure and evaluate pavement joints in real-time without using a rail system. The device makes use of the magnetic properties of the dowel bar by recording its returned magnetic field via sensors.
• Without a rail system the MIT-DOWEL-SCAN completes testing quicker than the previous SCAN2-BT system.
• The entire unit is provided in a single transport case making it easier to move than the previous system.
• The new MIT-DOWEL-SCAN has 10 sensors and a laser to guide the unit along the joint with great accuracy & repeatability.
• Single person operation with a removable data collector that attaches to the scanning device.
• Easier transfer of field data to MagnoProof 6 with USB port on the data collector
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